Monday, June 14, 2010

Infinity Downline 起源

Infinity Downline是由Peter Wolfing 先生於2009年3月1日所创立的系统,在这之前Peter先生在业界早已享有盛名一段时间。



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Participate in an unlimited downline to do is to learn Internet marketing and making money, marketing, earning 25 dollars a successful but also sustainable income, to receive a monthly basis once the income on life, not something you sell physical products Instead, make money online education program, so acceptance is broad, so long as it determined to make money online who are your customers, it is certainly even more than winning the lottery will sell, sell a lottery, at most, you earn 5 ~ 10 yuan. However, you are selling a set of infinite downline net 25 dollars (RM100/25 USD).
